Sunday 8 November 2015

Classmates MIS750

First of all thank to Almighty Allah S.W.T which giving me a good health to complete blog assignment. Alhamdullah, with the help and guidance by A.P Dr Norzaidi which give me the first experience to create blog. Thanks also to my colleague which always support me in completing this task.

EMBA student Sem 3 MIS750 FY2015


Do you remember that in year 1990's, when you want to play a games, how its looks like?
Yes, it is called games arcade which you need to go to a mall that serve you game arcade.

Game arcade 1 

Game arcade 2

Game arcade 3 

Game arcade 4

Nowadays, you no need to go into a mall to play a game. A game itself is in your hand by using smartphone. 

Clash of Clans 

 Smartphone games 1

Smartphone games 2 

Smartphone games 3

Love to play games however manage your time properly. Don't let the games play your time.




What is drone? Few years ago when I was young, I also don't understand what is drone. The first time I heard about drone when my friends told me the nowadays people are using technology drone for doing something. From there, I try to understand what is drone is all about. So I share you the picture about drone itself. It is a robotic technology that we can control remotely. 

MQ-9 Reaper

Drone for camera

Drone for delivery

Drone for camera



Get Taxi via Apps?

Get Taxi via Apps?

Do you have any experience of difficulties in getting a taxi at your area? Sometimes I'm thinking when we are in Malaysia, to get the taxi is difficult. The reason is that either we need to call taxi operator or just wait at taxi area.

Nowadays, application makes your life easier. Moving from one place with another by taxi which easy for you to get.

Watch this video. This is what in Mexico. I like! 
